time changes…so do I.



The last week I’ve been feeling a bit, some would say blah! I don’t even know the words really!  When I thought about it I realised how it was this time a year ago when I left France and a job that I had been in for probably on reflection a bit too long. 

So I took some time and looked back on the last year and where my journey has taken me, well! I’ve only been at work for 4 months of the last 12. There was a lot of travel, oh boy was there a lot of flying and adventures, new friends, old friends in new places. Its truly been so amazing, I based myself out of Ireland this time last year and then I went to Scotland, Iceland, London explored Dublin and west cork more, then I flew home to NZ to spent time with my family before teaching some yoga at a retreat in the far north of New Zealand, an area I’d only visited when I was about 12 years old!!

My travels then took me to India, this was a life changing moment, maybe its the yoga and the journey of getting closer to myself and figuring me out, or maybe its mother India, if you’ve been to India you will know what I’m talking about. I did a 200hr ashtanga/vinyasa teacher training there and it was so good, lotus group from Sampoorna in Goa are always going to hold a very special place in my heart.

After India it was back to NZ to then find a job that sounded too good to be true, well it was thanks to the moroccan navy for that short lived moment of being rotation chef! After that I moved on to Palma with some beautiful friends and my biggest cheer leaders, thats when this job showed up, I wasn’t sure about the returning to the USA,  but saw it as a sign that if it all worked out and I got another B1 B2 visa then I was meant to go back to where this yachting dream all began for me, Newport Rhode Island.

So here I am, after almost 6 weeks here back where it all began for me, seeing old faces in the place that seems so much like home. Exploring with new friends and feeling all very nostalgic about this journey. Its our last week here and were all longing for a few more weeks in this beautiful town,  if you’ve been to florida you’ll know that south florida is one of those very special states that you can’t explain unless you’ve been there and lived it! Newport you’ve got soul and we love you for that.

Its amazing how coming back to this place after 12 years the experience is different, I’ve shifted in my focus and where and who I put my energy into, I never knew how many yoga studios were here when I was here in 2006! to be fair I probably had no idea really what yoga was back then!! 

Summer of 2019 has definitely made me realise how strong my love for food is and its my true passion theres no doubt about that. I will never tire of feeding people nourishing food made with love. To the new adventures and the beauty of Mother Nature in places that I never thought I’d get to by boat. 

I would like to encourage you all to take a moment and reflect on where you are compared to where you were, life changes, people come and go, we are constantly on a journey and moving around out there in the big wide world, actually its a pretty small world after all!!

happy reflecting to you all

cupcake x